Hi Everyone, I’ve been hard at work implementing some updates to the site.
Many of these updates are a result of your ideas. So, I really appreciate your feedback. Some ideas take a lot more time to implement, and others are easier said than done. But, I always appreciate your help and insights. Here are the latest updates!
Perks and Spending Categories Added
This is part one of a better upgrade to the site for those needing to find info on their cards. This was long overdue. On the Complex View, I replaced the bank and rewards link icons with a Star and Dollar Bill so that you can hover or click to see relevant info for your card. I’m still thinking through a way to find your best current card for major spending categories in order to help everyone to maximize their everyday spending.
Stay logged in
Was anyone getting annoyed by having to log in every time you go to the site? I know I was. Now you will stay logged in as long as your browser stays open. This should be a much better experience. Be sure to log out if you’re not using your computer.
New Login Setup
Current users will not notice this, but new users (especially beginners) will benefit from a more streamlined setup. No more need to go into settings. And, it will help guide beginners to the Step-by-Step guide right away while directing advanced users to the card dashboard.
Simpler Date Entry
This has been suggested by many users. The calendar view is gone, and now you can simply key in the numbers for your date. I hope that speeds up the process for those with lots of cards to add.
Customized Dashboard Sorting
Now when you sort your cards on the dashboard, the browser will remember the way you sorted so it’s the same when you return. Note that it does not save across devices, so you’ll need to set both if you are using mobile and desktop.
Upgrades For Beginner Users
The Step-by-Step Guide has been updated to give a beginner the quickest and easiest way to get started. This includes a LOT of help and tips on booking your free travel via Step 7: Travel Freely.
The Resources page has also been updated with more articles and better viewing.
Keep the Feedback Coming
My goal is to continue to improve the site. So please keep the feedback and ideas coming. User feedback is so important to me in order to keep the site as user-friendly as possible.
Lastly, if you have any friends who are beginners, now is a great time to get them started with the new improvements.